Mission: To connect with families in the community and set students up for success by providing backpacks and school supplies.
Goal: To supply 50 students with school supplies for 2023-2024 school year.
“Studies show that by students having their own school supplies help improve grades, creativity, attitudes towards learning, behavior, peer relationships, and self-image.”
Registration: by phone: 234-208-8003 by website: in the "Contact us" page, notate PACK THE VAN in the message section to be put on the student distribution list. This section must be completed in its entirety. (Recipients must present photo ID)
When: August 14th, 2023
School Supply drop off Time: 8:00am-6:00pm
Distribution: Students will pick up their backpacks and school supplies on 8/15/2023 between 12noon-3:00pm.
Where: Donations can be made at 2383 S. Main St. Akron, Oh. 44319 Suite D-104. The van will be parked in the parking lot with volunteers to assist with the donations by packing the van.
(List of needed supplies can be found on the website.)
Thank you for your support in advance.
Crayons (only) Crayola
Elmer's glue sticks
Elmers's bottled of glue
#2 wooden pencils
2 pocket folders with holes
Flashcards – addition and subtraction
Basic calculators
Scientific calculators
colored pencils
Large pink erasers
Scissors (blunt)
Scissors (pointed-end)
graph paper
Clorox wipes
Hand sanitizer
white 3x5 index cards
1-subject spiral notebook
composition notebooks
Notebook paper (wide ruled)
Ink pens
baby wet wipes
Simple white 1" 3 ring binders
Dry erase markers
Handheld pencil sharpeners
soft pencil bags for supplies
binder dividers with tabs
3-ring binders
Crayola washable markers-primary colors
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